woofer repair course

Woofer repair course Dear Electronic repairer I get lots of inquiries from my followers requesting a book on woofer repairs, so this book is yours for the asking. To be an expert on any equipment repair, the basic thing is to understand how the equipment works. The book is divided into two parts: Part one: is composed of 4 chapters on the major circuit blocks in woofers and explains basic functions and common problems associated with these blocks. Part Two: is composed of 5 chapters of pure real-life repair histories from the technician work bench. The book is illustrated with numerous color photos to make the reader learn faster and get the concept pretty fast. Every Chapter is hyperlinked to the list of content for easy navigation within the book for those who decide to read the book directly from the computer screen. Table of Contents Lesson 1 : Types of power supply used in woofers. 4 v Linear power supply(transformer) 4 v ...